Sunday, April 13, 2008

If Anyone Still Reads This

I'll be around sometime soon. I've just been hammered with some big beer stuff.


Just Wandering... said...

yeah, i've been neglecting my blog too. i think its an epidemic.

cadiz12 said...

hang in there!

WiscoBlonde said...

I'm still a devotee!

The Charming Hedonist said...

I don't know about all this now...I may start boycotting ;)

Valency said...

Taking breaks is totally okay... just NO DELETING. That is just retarded when peeps do that...

So now I'm left wondering if it's big BEER STUFF or
BIG BEER stuff.

Because bigger beers are better!

Alan said...

I still check in on occasion. A lot of bloggers are slowing down lately, including myself.

Jaime said...

Your next entry better be good.

Susie said...

Me too. Minus the beer. Well, unless you count weekends :)

Me Myself and I said...

I still check in on a regular basis :)

Anonymous said...

Still here. Waiting with baited breath for more posts. Do not let us down, Stormin'.

A Novelist said...

I've been neglecting my blog as well..

Hopefully as the summer approaches, I'll be posting more. In the meantime, I'll be patiently waiting for your return to the blogging world. :)