Thursday, March 13, 2008

And I'm Spent

So near the end of a work meeting yesterday I did not notice the chair that had been slid back, pinning my leg between the table and itself as I was standing and talking to my boss.

I did notice it after turning sharply and dislocating my knee. I noticed it as I fell to the ground. As I dropped immediately (my leg no longer worked), all I could think about was that it was going to suck when then pain came.

Everyone rushed to my side, but there was little that could be done. I pulled myself up onto a chair and just sat there, marveling at the time that had managed to pass, while I had not reinjured my knee. Then the pain...

It comes in waves and it's like experiencing the tide. Each pulse is more than the last, and pushes you a bit further. It sucks. So I sat through the rest of the meeting, and then O'Sullivan showed up to drive me home. Then I made the call to go into work today, with my knee in an imobilizer. That sucked too.

But... Now I have all weekend pretty much confined to my bed to blog stalk and keep this place up to date. Then Monday I'll be in to the doctor and finding out if this is a sprain, ligament tears (yes, same knee as the last time), or something else that I can't come up with in my head. Updates will follow.


Mark said...

Jeebus, that's gotta hurt.

Good opportunity to get some fun drugs from the Doctor though. Whee!

Jaime said...


Good luck at the doctor. My fingers are crossed that it is only a sprain.

christa said...

good luck...

Just Wandering... said...

ouch! that least you get to blog stalk and might even get yummy pain meds outta the whole deal!