Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Am I holding back for NaBloPoMo?

You bet your ass I am.

Tune in tomorrow for the kickoff of 31 days of BS.



Keshi said...

k then :)


Peter said...

Me too, dude!

? said...

Wow! I can't wait to see what yer gonna blog about for 30 days.

If I were doing it, I'd blog about the adventures under my skirt.

A Novelist said...

Good luck!!! My NaNoWrMo will be a challenge for me. ;)

Trundling Grunt said...

And I thought it had to do with the Colts-Patriots game?

Keshi said...

where r ya?


The Stormin Mormon said...

Keshi: I'm here. Just home late.

Pete: Sweet...

BB: LOL. So long as you look at the mirror on the way out the door. Just in case.

Nov: Good luck with that. I thought about writing a book about the beer industry last year. I never have had the time to get the work I have done on it sorted and coherent, but someday...

TG: Oh that will be blogged about, and blogged about a lot. But I promised only 4 posts about football (one per week on average) and so I must conserve and make them big posts.