Thursday, December 13, 2007

Posting From Your Parents House

So posting while on vacation is a royal pain in the ass...

I think that it's not the fact that I can't post, that's easily done from my cell phone. But the problem is that I really want to read everyone else's blog, and I'm at my parents house, using their computer...

So I am not sure if I want all of your blogs in their history folder. It's like having your friends over, when you know that your family will wonder who you hang out with, and what's wrong with them. ;-)

Do I want my parents looking up somthing in their history and stumbling onto this post:

Luv Ya Steph

Or perhaps this gem:

One Classy Woman!

Screw it, I'm on vacation, and that should mean that I get to blog all day and not worry about anything else. At least, that's the way I'll spin it.

PS: Wordverifuckation is begining to sexually harass me. "RUFLICK " Sound's kinky....


Alan said...

Can't ya just clear the history?

The Stormin Mormon said...

Yeah, but why should I have to go to the trouble?