Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Shockingly Loud

So this morning has already been an eventful one. My alarm went off at 5AM, which is shockingly loud when one is sound asleep, and for some reason I could not convince my body that it wasn't 3AM.


I don't know why...

The natural evolution of being up at 3AM must be to want to go back to sleep, but this isn't what I wanted. I just thought that it somehow must be 3AM and I wasn't going to be convinced otherwise. So I looked at my phone, my clock, my watch, and then turned on my computer. Every one of these devices alerted me that the correct time was in fact 5AM.

So here I am drinking coffee, typing on my blog, and thinking about my vacation that is coming up. I had decided that if I am going to be on vacation I may as well take Friday off because that day is useless when you have vacation coming up. So when scheduling my flight I managed to pick one at 8AM Friday morning... Take that, fools at work. By the time anyone might realize that they need me around I will be in Nevada.

So now I am realizing that today is my Thursday, tomorrow is my Friday, and Friday is not going to exist... And suddenly all of the crap that I have to do is falling into a very short period of time.

That and the small fact that I better do as much of it as possible today, because knowing that tomorrow is my Friday means that I'll probably slack tomorrow. ;-)


curmudgeon said...

It just never ends. But when I take a vacation, it usually means I slack for the week prior rather than just a day.

Mummerina said...

That is what I hate about taking holidays - the stress from your last week at work means you DEFINITELY need a break =)

megan said...

Realizing you are a slacker is the first step. But I'm sure you'll manage to get the rest of your stuff done - it always happens somehow.