Friday, December 21, 2007


So every once in a while you get a fortune cookie that must be discussed.

This is one of those times, but in order to make this into a coherent post I have to ad a back story to the whole thing, so here is how my day went.

After a week that was definitely overworking me (yeah, even by my sick and twisted definition of "overworked"), I planned on starting today a little later than normal and cutting out as soon as I had my work that I planned on for today finished. No extra tasks, no extra BS, I'd had enough of that this week already. Just a nine to five. In fact, not even nine to five. More like nine to three...

And in the beginning this looked like it would be possible. I had a ton of work that I wanted to do, but all of it should have been possible to do in the time that I had alloted for it.

Then someone was late. Which pushed a meeting back and put me behind.

Then another person was late, and put me even further behind.

And there was no end in sight to the cycle.

But, I put my mind to it and just began flying through work. Typing as fast as possible, keeping calls short, avoiding distractions, skipping lunch, and just busting my ass to get everything done. To relate it to something I love (but can't do thanks to my F'd up ACL) it's like sprinting at the end of a run. You're doing so much more, but you can see the end and so you make it work.

And then it was done, the day over, and I headed home. I changed out of my clothes (I can't sit around the house in a tie, it just doesn't work), and decided to take a HOT shower. Really hot. I find it to be the greatest way in the world to relax. And afterwards I sat down...

I could not have been paid to get up after that. And I was starving. So of course, the local Chinese restaurant is in my call log (like every man who lives by himself), and they deliver. Twenty minutes later I have a bag of delicious Chinese food at my house, and it was phenomenal.

And then there was my fortune:

No Shit Sherlock. I am the future president of the world, and I also happen to control the flow of beer... (Which will be a party platform when I usurp every world leader run for office.)

But it's always nice to be reminded. :-)


travistee said...

I got a good one the other day as well, that love was closer than I realized. Since my daughter was sitting across the table from me, we both started laughing...
Come visit my new blog.

Doll Face said...

I love it! I think there's a little truth of that for all of us.

Okay so I have one sitting on my desk 'Don't hate Mondays. It could be th start of the best week of your life'

Have a great chrissie my dear Xx

megan said...

in bed?

Me Myself and I said...

LOL. Your modesty kills me ;)

Happy Holidays!

Keshi said...

Merry Christmas Mormon, hv a good one!


Trundling Grunt said...

Rest up at least for a day - happy Christmas.

Reckon they can repeat??????