Sunday, December 2, 2007

I'm so proud...

free dating sites

This Site Rated "R"

I was worried that I would get a PG-13... Nope.

Mom's lock up your daughters. Dads hope you raised your sons right.

This bitch is not suitable for children...

(And posting this while hammered drunk with Miss Very Nice makes it all that much more fun. Read more below for why she kicks so much ass.)


Keshi said...

**I was worried that I would get a PG-13


wut d u think my blog wud be rated as?


megan said...

yeah, is it sad that I was disappointed with a pg-13?

and for all the wrong reasons...

megan said...

and I just noticed your soulja boy video - you know the whole dance don't you?

The Stormin Mormon said...

Keshi... PG-13 tops. I swear like a sailor, but you're a lady.

Megan... Not at all, I would have been heartbroken with a PG-13. And yes, I do know the dance, but only because of my friends and their obsession with going to the clubs.

Trundling Grunt said...

How the hell did you manage that? I don't see much R-ratable???

christa said...

sweet... if you're gonna be bad ass, you might as well be rate R.

and thanks for solving my math problem.

itisthelittlethings said...

So how come you don't get the anonymous crackheads posting negative things when you get drunk? Huh? :)

Cazzie!!! said...

Woo hoo for R Rated dates...oh, I meant for fun dates..yeah, whateverrrr, lol

Keshi said...

not fair not fair not fair. :(

Im gonna make my blog as sleazy as I can from now on LOL!


Alan said...

I see this is only based on a word search taken out of context, so I don't have a whole lot of faith in this thing.

I got a PG rating because of a single story about "butthole" bees.

My Bollywood movie review site got an R rating because of the use of "shoot" and "murder". Well, gee, that was the plot of a movie.

Doll Face said...

hahahaha G-rated! It must've scanned just the first post!