Thursday, March 22, 2007


So editing a new blog is a royal PITA.

I have to add about three dozen links, I want to redo the text labels for my blog history, and I'm already debating changing the template...

Right now I'm just trying to figure out how the HTML is so different from my last blog, when the damn thing looked identical. You think that I would either want something different or have saved the code from the old one... NOPE...

So I may have to tweak this thing a dozen times tonight, but I will get it to be the way that I want it to be before bed tonight.

On a positive note, it appears that I am home at a reasonable hour. Hooray for slacking!


Del said...

Once you get the hang of it the new blogger is heaps easier. Unless you are editing the HTML - in which case - thats way over my head

Steph said...

Gah! Does this mean i have to update my blogroll AGAIN????


Doll Face said...

The new blogger system sucks! I'm editing in HTML - browsing through firefox didn't work for weeks; needing to highlight the text to read it Grrrrrr.... Until i had a computer geek blogger help me out :-)

Cazzie!!! said...

Mmmm, but I like PITA bread, lol.

MadameBoffin said...

You won't have to re-add your customised links in your sidebar if you change your template (one of the few good things about the new Blogger). So changing template shouldn't cause you any hassles/extra work.

Eve said...

Huh. I pretty much stick to the basics.

Any idea on how to make it so that links you click on open in another window? That's so sexy.

MadameBoffin said...

Eve, it's easy to do that:

Go to your Blogger dashboard, click on Settings, then go to the Comments tab. About halfway down the page you'll see the "Show Comments In a Pop-Up Window" option - pick the Yes option. Done! :)