Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Building That Trust

So there are very few people in my life that know all of my secrets. I would put that list right now at about two...

And it's not that I don't trust a lot of my friends and family, but that I just don't feel that they need to know everything about me all of the time.

Then there are the friends that I trust, but I don't necessarily feel the need to T-R-U-S-T.

I'll leave these people the keys to my house when I'm gone. I have no problem asking them for the favors that go above and beyond a casual acquaintance. For all intents and purposes these people are great friends that I would do just about anything for. But at the same time, can they be all that great of friends if I don't trust them with everything about me?

Part of me wonders why they haven't built that same level of trust as my other friends. I can't think of anything that they have done to make me distrust them in any way. I think that if I had an issue trusting them, we wouldn't be friends in the first place. But something keeps them from being the people that I go to, and puts the burden on the two people that I do feel that I can tell anything to.

And at the same time, I don't want the other friends to feel burdened with the knowledge that I don't want them to talk to ANYONE, even people that they know are my friends, about the things that I have talked to them about.

Why have I even blogged about this... I don't trust you people enough to tell you that? :-)

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