Monday, May 28, 2007

La Jolla

Someone from La Jolla visited my blog today.

I wore my "La Jolla" T Shirt today, before knowing that they had visited...

Sometimes I find the weirdest things to be to cool.


Peter said...

Be thankful that your visitor wasn't from "Dildo, Newfoundland."

The Stormin Mormon said...

I actually looked that one up on Wikipedia...

Cazzie!!! said...

Very very cool indeed...or, as I usually say, "Ohhhhhhh spooky Moulder!!"

Cazzie!!! said...

PMSL at Peter's comment!!!

curmudgeon said...

Maybe 'Hooters' will be next?

Steph said...

And what did the lovely people from "La Jolla" want? To give you more t-shirts? ;)