Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tomorrow Night

I have to attend one of those work parties that will manage to be a good time, but nothing fun. Nothing like a "party."

More like, "Stormin playing nanny to a dozen stuck up people that all think they are the greatest thing to happen to booze since Pierre Smirnoff."

I think I am still going to manage to have fun. Perhaps I will try and get some of them drunk.


Cazzie!!! said...

Yeah, a party is what you make it right!

Princess Banter said...

Oh man... good luck on that "party." They really ought to give work parties another name. One that isn't so ironic :P

cadiz12 said...

get 'em drunk. it'll be funny.

jazz said...

see, i have fun at those things because i'm never working or entertaining clients. i'm just crashing them because i know someone else who was invited.

it's better that way...

curmudgeon said...

Lucky devil.

Eve said...

Wait, Smirnoff's first name is Pierre?