This was originally titled "Why The European Media Can Kiss My Ass."
Mostly as a direct result of
Basically a diatribe about how the shooting yesterday in Virginia is a result of the culture and laws of America ALLOWING people to own firearms.
Now I am well aware that not everyone is a huge fan of firearms, and I respect this. I'm not a big fan of a lot of things, but it's not my place to tell other people not to do some things that are perfectly legal (or in some cases illegal, but going to happen anyways). But let's go into some of my favorite parts...
Brittan - "The Indepandant" wrote: "
Despite the opposition of every police force in the land, Congress in 2004 allowed to lapse a 10-year federal ban on semi-automatic assault weapons, a particular favorite of violent criminals."
Of course, what these morons don't know about our laws can't hurt them. Or anyone else for that matter. The gun ban in 1994 banned cosmetic features, and limited magazine capacity to ten rounds. None of this would have changed anything about the Virginia shooting... The shooter used two firearms with (quoting a witness, the LEO's who responded, and cBS news), "multiple clips of ammunition." He had far more than ten rounds of ammunition, in multiple magazines (real word for a "clip").
Not that the gun ban in '94 did anything anyways. Quoting from a study, published in a Criminology journal in The Netherlands (not America, where we would be biased...): "We found no evidence of reductions in multiple-victim gun homicides or multiple-gunshot wound victimizations." (Journal Of Quantitative Criminology, v-17 N-1, 11-1-2004, p. 33)
Brittan - "The Times of London" wrote: "There is no doubt that access to rapid-action shotguns makes these events even more destructive,"
HE DIDN'T USE A SHOTGUN... But hey, why write a story AFTER learning those pesky facts...
France - "Le Monde" wrote: "This new tragedy presents a new opportunity for American public opinion to interrogate itself about a society which, as one of the students who survived Columbine said at the time, is very much responsible for what has happened."
This is total shit. Sure, we're going to take away all of the things that you can possibly harm yourself or another with... Knives are used in attacks three times as often as guns. Where's the cry for knife control? Cars kill (on average, every year) 10 times as many people as guns... Car Control? And he wasn't even AMERICAN, so how is our society at fault?
France - "Le Figaro" wrote: "legal changes were made to protect the producers and vendors of fire-arms from being held responsible for the actions of gun owners"
-A drunk driver hit me with a Chevy once... (True Story) I'm going to sue GM..."while it is legal to carry a gun in 45 of 50 states, as long as the gun is not loaded"
-What they left out of this line is the words "in your vehicle..." It is legal to carry an unloaded gun in your vehicle. It isn't legal to carry a gun on a school campus in any state, even in your vehicle. The law here did nothing...
"At the end of 2004, the Republican-controlled Congress allowed a law to expire that prohibited the sale of semi-automatic and military weapons."
-And the shooter didn't use anything concerned by the ban, he used two handguns.
Italy - "Il Messaggaro" wrote: "an American suicide killer who, differently from Muslim killers, did not act out of religious motives but was driven instead by the unrest affecting broad layers of US society"
Funny, due to current reports, I would guess INSANE jilted lover. And more so, the guy was a South Korean National... Not even an American...
But my all time favorite-
Germany - "Bild" wrote: "Now we will probably begin discussing the overly lax gun laws in the United States. There, buying a machine gun is often easier than getting a driver's license."
In order to get a Class 3 weapon (industry term for machine gun), you have to have NO criminal record. Ever, for anything. Pass an FBI background check, twice, three months apart. Pay for NFA "Tax Stamps" to accompany your rifle (these are $200 a piece, and all C3 firearms require multiple "stamps" in order to be purchased). Then pay for your automatic rifle. These range in price from $5,000 to $25,000+... Is this easier than getting a drivers license? I don't think so.
And it's not that I do not feel for the families of the victims. I will always wonder why the school did not lock down the campus immediately upon learning of the shooting in the dorms TWO FULL HOURS before the rest of the violence began. If I hear that two people have been shot dead in the dorms on campus, I sure as hell would be canceling classes.
Why did those students and professors even have class yesterday, after the events of that morning?