Sunday, April 1, 2007


So I hate the feeling that I get when I'm thinking about a song and then turn on the radio, and that song is already on. It's some creepy ESP, and for a brief moment I think that somehow my brain is affected by the radio waves...

Today that got taken to a whole new level. I had song pop into my mind (I'm not proud to admit what it was, but Biz Markie's "Just A Friend" is a CLASSIC!), and I turned on the radio. A song was just ending, and there was a couple of seconds between tracks and then BAAM! "Just A Friend" is on the radio.

This would not have bothered me, but near the end of the song, I thought "I wish that they would play 'Throw Some D's' next," and there it was, the next song. But that's not that big of a deal, it is a really popular song right now. I probably had a pretty good chance of finding that on the radio at any given moment these days.

And then at the end of the track, I just happened to push my luck, and took a shot in the dark...

"To Close" (Next) followed by "What Goes Around" (Timberlake) and then "Karma" (Lloyd Banks)...

I nailed five in a row, and promptly turned off the radio. I know it's coincidence (I don't believe in ESP being possible, just random chance), but it was just to weird of a coincidence for me to love the idea.


MadameBoffin said...

Wow. So what's this week's lottery numbers?

You say you don't believe in ESP... so I wonder what the mathematical odds of correctly guessing the next 5 songs in a row were. Pretty small, I bet.

Look, I consider myself a scientist and I'm not prepared to discount the possibility of ESP. I think it's as difficult to disprove ESP as it is to prove it. What you did may not have been ESP but I think you were tuning into something... either that or you've just hit the billion-to-one mark.

little things said...

WOW! That is excellent. You ought to try some experiments and see how often you can guess what a friend is thinking, etc....

cadiz12 said...

that is bizarre, man. it's like you've got a radio signal in your head already, like gilligan.

Eve said...

Seriously. Go out and buy some lottery tickets. Better yet, Vegas baby!

Me Myself and I said...

yikes. I believe in ESP. Especially after THIS story!

The Stormin Mormon said...

My friends are all males in their twenties. Peoples in comas can guess what they're thinking... :-)

MadameBoffin said...

They're thinking about sweet romantic love, right? :P ;)